Punctuality in delivery and constant attention to customer needs make the company competitive in the both Italian and foreign increasingly demanding market sector.


Fresh fruit, composed of a high percentage of water, simple sugars and basic minerals for our body, is also an important source of vitamins and fibre. Mostly concentrated in the skin, and in some fruits also in the pulp, these qualities are essential and promote healthy intestinal activity.

Regularly eating fruits helps to maintain the proper salt balance in the body.

Greengrocer’s Fapanni can satisfy the needs of its customers by combining very high product quality with affordable prices.

Daily supplies from carefully selected producers and qualified staff work to ensure high standards of quality and efficient service.

Exotic fruit

Exotic fruit adds a healthy and ultra-vitamin rich touch to anyone’s daily diet, and is ideal for staying in shape!

Colourful, delicious and fresh, it also adds to an all-around well-being.

It doesn’t just help you lose weight: some fruits are used to fight stress, others eliminate excess bloating and prevent wrinkles, improving both your appearance and your mood.

Thanks to our professionalism, we acquire unique and tasty products: pineapples, avocados, papayas, passion fruit, kiwis, mangoes, passion fruit and many other specialties.

Our wholesale shop includes a wide choice of fruit of the highest quality from around the world, acting as a reference point at a national and international level.


Vegetables are very important for the well being of our body and bring many benefits: they have a low calorie content and can hydrate the body with minerals, vitamins and fibre.

Good health begins at the table!

Fresh or cooked, in salads or juiced, there are many ways to obtain the nutrients we need. The choice is yours!

Greengrocer’s Fapanni Bruno srl is specialised in wholesale vegetables sales. We can also export products abroad.

Our services are not only for supermarkets but also hotels, bars, restaurants and communities that choose quality products and competitive prices.

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic plants are excellent preservatives, and act both as antibacterial agents and as antioxidants. They contain nutrients, vitamins and minerals that help with digestion and cell metabolism by stimulating the production of saliva and gastric juices, without adding any significant calories.

In addition, the aromatic parts of plants are rich in beneficial active substances with antiseptic and antioxidant properties.


walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds

Always considered an explosion of calories that only make us fat, nuts (walnuts, almonds, pistachios, hazelnuts, peanuts, pine nuts, pecans and macadamia nuts) are a treasure trove of vitamins, minerals and “good” fats, those that distance cardiovascular diseases. And so we should include them almost daily in our diet.

At our shop in Palazzolo you can find a vast supply of nuts: walnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts, pistachios and much more.

Convenience and quality…. we have always combined these two elements with the aim of offering our customers a unique service and a first-choice product.

                              ORTOFRUTTA FAPANNI BRUNO SRL EXPORT                                  

The company

Our company’s roots date back to 1850 with out first wholesale fruit and vegetable shop. In the 50’s we were one of the first companies to tend to national distribution of products.

1920 was an important year for our business. In fact, it was in that year that we built a warehouse that was considered cutting edge for the storage of every type of fruit and vegetable. Its construction also showed our company’s forward thinking, considering we are located halfway between the towns of Bergamo and Brescia. However, this is just one of many changes that the company underwent over the years, demonstrating our ability to adapt to social and technological changes: an indispensable characteristic, especially in the modern world that is constantly changing.

Bruno Fapanni’s enthusiasm and desire to emerge blend well with the strong experience the father, Roberto. The ability to recognise products of the highest quality is an art that has been handed down each generation in the Fapanni family. This synergy of experience allowed the company to evolve yet again, becoming an SRL (limited liability company).

And finally, our company’s most recent venture has been its entrance into the food service and catering industry. But this in no way equates to neglecting our historic customers, who are shops, supermarkets and street vendors.
We are also available at all times to collaborate in new working relationships, ensuring, as always, reliability, professionalism and competence, essential elements for a fruitful working relationship.



Via  Cesare Costa, 22 –

Palazzolo Sull’Oglio (BS)

website : www.fapanniortofrutta.com