Stretch film packaging machines
Tray sealing machines
Thermoforming packaging machines
Vacuum machines
Twist and clip machines
Sleeve packaging machine
Banding machines
Meat mixers
Skinners and derinders
Hydraulic fillers
Vegetable processors
Plastic tray liners under piece fruit
Paper goods
Disposable dishes
Horizontal flow pack machines
Fill seal packaging machines
Bread slicing/packaging machines
Machines for nets packaging
Shrink tunnels
Weighing machines
Bone saws
Forming machines
Rigid transparent products
Nets packaging
Hygienic aids and systems
System of waste baskets
Petruzalek Organization
Petruzalek is a business organization dealing with packaging technologies.
We supply to our customers a wide range of packaging machines, packaging materials and know-how, starting from a wide base of experience gathered up to now in the market. Our technicians install, set up and repair packaging machines and other equipment at the clients’ sites.
We produce and deliver either XPS, OPS and PET containers but we are able to tackle also more sophisticated demands from our customers and profit from our vast knowledge-base on food packaging: our product lines include process machines, packaging equipment and a wide choice of other packaging materials, from foils through bags and cups to hygienic aids.
The Company was established in 1961 in Austria; from 1979 it became a partner of the Teich Group and during this time, from 1992, it started the growth towards Central and Eastern Europe. In 2003 Petruzalek entered in the Sirap Gema Group and completed the growth opening its subsidiaries in Serbia, Moldova and Turkey.
Today the Group operates in 12 countries, with subsidiaries acting directly in the markets:
Strategy & Vision
- Be a unique and homogeneous company, with dedicated local teams in several central/eastern European countries
- Be an efficient partner of retail and food industry, supplying services, systems, machines and products with a continuous effort to bring added value to clients;
- Be a lean structure with efficient supply chain, integrated production facilities, continuous research of new solutions/business partners, close links to customers and market influencers.
This will be achieved through:
- the central organization capable to manage the business and to take care of the strategic development of the company
- clear and simple business processes to handle stocks, logistic and sales led by an efficient ICT system
- enhanced management procedures to take care of economic and financial key indicators
Business Model
The Company operates through its subsidiaries, providing to customers machineries (including spare parts and service), internally manufactured articles and a wide selection of trading products as a complement; it handles more than 15.000 product codes, from 950 partners, to 2000 active customers in all Countries, with integrated central purchasing, advanced logistic services and internal business development.